Monday, November 07, 2005

"I hear the jury's still out on science."

For those of you who aren't watching Arrested Development, please, you must change your ways.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Return of Friday Night Cat Blogging!
The arm on the right belongs to my grandmother, and the red and white thing in the corner is her birthday cake. The fluffy thing with glowing coals for eyes on the left is Sweet Pea, and apparently she wants some cake.

So a few things are transpiring all at the same time. 1) Last week I went home to San Diego and my car had been acting up so I left it at the dealer to get a new water pump or something (because why have my car serviced in Irvine when there's a perfectly good service place 90 miles away?) and so I need to go back to San Diego (or "The SD", as Beth today referred to it) this weekend to get my car. 2) My mother is going out of town tomorrow until Monday for a business trip. 3) Sweet Pea is peeing all over the goddamn house, and so she went to the vet last weekend who thought she might have a urinary tract infection. Well, the results came back, and physically she's fine, so we're thinking that all the stress and everything of the recent months is getting to her.

So when I was talking to my mother today, she says, "are you spending the night tomorrow night when you come home?"

Me: "No, I don't think so."

Her: "Oh. Well, would you? So that you can keep Sweet Pea company?"

Oh man. So this weekend is cat-bonding time. Also studying for algebra. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Guess what! I just, for the very first time, watched The OC....*in* the OC! Whoo!

Best line: "I hear Berkeley's nice. Very pretty girls, too." Debbie! The Peter thinks we're pretty!

Second best line: "Ryan Atwood: fluffer." OMG.

Best line of the preview for next week: "Ryan, try not to punch out Summer."

Ah, yes, I love this show. Yay for stupid baseball finally being over.