Yesterday there was a career fair at my school. Now, I'd been to career fairs at Berkeley before, but let me tell you, Irvine knows how to put on a career fair. It was like a corporately branded halloween. My harvest is pictured and inventoried below.

I got:
16 pens
2 mechanical pencils
1 sharpie
4 highlighters (including one from HSBC. Hi Jim!)
1 combo highlighter *and* pen
2 pads of post-it notes
1 ruler
6 keychains (including 2 carribeaners and 2 bottle openers)
1 mini stapler (with blue staples! And attached staple remover!)
2 boxes of mints
1 light-up noise making bouncy ball
2 bars of soap
4 squishy toys (1 red ball, 1 giant golf ball, 1 planet earth, 1 car)
2 buttons (including one with a light-up thing!)
1 set of blocks (these were from Microsoft. I'm not sure what they're for, but it's not like they needed to convince people to come to their booth. Suited business majors were lined up waiting to give Microsoft their resumes)
1 magnetic memo board
1 keyboard wrist pad
1 t-shirt
1 insulated cup holder
1 plastic water bottle
2 frisbees
1 shopping bag (which was very necessary. We filled up the dinky little plastic career center bags in a few minutes)
1 North American pocket road atlas (that was from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, the only place I saw that I'd actually be interested in working for)
and finally, 100,000,000 pamphlets and fliers.

I got:
16 pens
2 mechanical pencils
1 sharpie
4 highlighters (including one from HSBC. Hi Jim!)

2 pads of post-it notes
1 ruler
6 keychains (including 2 carribeaners and 2 bottle openers)
1 mini stapler (with blue staples! And attached staple remover!)
2 boxes of mints
1 light-up noise making bouncy ball
2 bars of soap
4 squishy toys (1 red ball, 1 giant golf ball, 1 planet earth, 1 car)
2 buttons (including one with a light-up thing!)
1 set of blocks (these were from Microsoft. I'm not sure what they're for, but it's not like they needed to convince people to come to their booth. Suited business majors were lined up waiting to give Microsoft their resumes)
1 magnetic memo board
1 keyboard wrist pad
1 t-shirt
1 insulated cup holder
1 plastic water bottle
2 frisbees
1 shopping bag (which was very necessary. We filled up the dinky little plastic career center bags in a few minutes)
1 North American pocket road atlas (that was from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, the only place I saw that I'd actually be interested in working for)
and finally, 100,000,000 pamphlets and fliers.

You should save that stuff. You never know what it might be worth in the future. I still have my Enron juggling balls. ;-)
Do you want it? I have lots of highlighters!
Oh, yeah, I also needed to amend this post. I actually got *two* combo highlighter/pens, and thus only 3 regular highlighters. But in addition to the two-sided HSBC highlighter, I got a three-sided one from Apex Systems, Inc. So that's like getting six highlighters. Not to mention the billions of highlighters I already have that were stolen from various companies I've worked for in the past summers. So I'm pretty well set.
I think Katie's playing dumb, Jim... ;-)
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