Thursday, April 27, 2006

Today was career fair! Whoooo! It's like Halloween for college students. I don't feel like inventorying my entire pull, but here are the extended highlights:
  • Two staplers, both from HSBC. Also got another highlighter from them like I got last year.
  • A little brush for cleaning computer monitors, with velco for you to stick the brush on your monitor.
  • A 5 piece computer screwdriver kit.
  • Luggage tag from the ATF.
  • A magnetic darts set.
  • A magnetic paper clip holder, with colored paper clips.
  • A little button with an iron eagle looking thing on it from some commie farm organization (in Irvine? Whaa?)
  • Plastic coffee cup.
  • A bunch of candy, and a bottle of water (I was totally dying of thirst, so that made me v. v. happy.)
  • A squishy firetruck.
  • Two frisbees; one hard, one soft and bendy.
  • Some sort of colorful squishy sticky wormy toy thing that made some really satisfying marks on the windows of Tim's car.
  • A ton of highlighters and pens.
I have so many pens now that I had to get a mug out of the cabinet to put on the computer desk to hold them all, 'cause the other pen thing is filled to capacity. It was a good day.

Now I'm just counting the days until vendor fair, when I can buy cheap blackmarket sunglasses. You know, my school really isn't half bad. :D

Just added: Sad you don't attend a school with a rocking career fair? For a mere $15/month, you can get your own collection of super cool schwag from Silicon Valley companies at Admittedly, their stuff is way cooler than mine (I love the oh, the t-shirts!), but at least mine was free, and was a fun way to spend my noon hour today.


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