Friday, May 12, 2006

Heard last night on $40 A Day with Rachel Ray:
Did you see that? There was a stripper on a table dancing! I want to go there! Like, seriously.
That's it, I will no longer put up with anyone saying a bad word about Rachel Ray. She is officially my favorite celebrity chef.


Blogger Hank said...

Yeah, yeah. But on to The Third Man. One of my favorite movies. I quote the Cuckoo Clock speach all the time, and someday I'll learn to play the zither and explore the sewers of Vienna. Yes, I will.

7:41 PM  
Blogger katiemoo said...

Okay, here's the deal with that. I saw it once a long time ago, but don't really remember any of it. And then Cary and I tape movies from cable and leave them hanging around in the DVR until they get erased, desperately trying to get around to watching them all, even though a lot of them suck. So we taped The Third Man like in November, and finally a few weeks ago we started watching it, and it was really really good, but we were only able to get through like an hour of it. Also, we realized that we'd taped it off of AMC, which edits and has commercials, so then we saw it was going to be on TCM, so we erased the one in the DVR and tried to tape the one on TCM, but it got all fucked up. But we realize that we need to watch it all in one shot with no commercials, so we're either going to rent it from Blockbuster or catch it on TCM again, but yeah.

Also, when my brother was in Vienna summer before last he did a Third Man tour, but they couldn't go into the sewers because it had just rained and they were all full of shit and stuff. Also, the zither totally rocks, and that reminds me that I want to download the theme.

So right now we're watching Network taped off of TCM (except actually in a few minutes we're going to watch The OC).

Also, it's my fucking blog and my comments can be as long as I fucking want them to be.

9:04 PM  
Blogger Todd said...

And she's sexy! Sexy is important.

10:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck Rachel Ray.

And, yes, as Katie says, it rained in Wien the day before I went on this The Third Man tour, so we couldn't go on the torchlit tour of the Wiener sewer since we'd have been knee deep in human feces. We did, however, get to go down the ladder into the sewer (through the same entrance that Harry Lime uses in the movie!), which was pretty damned cool in itself. The sewer was rather dank and foul smelling and there was a cat-sized dead rat sitting about 10 feet from the ladder. But, I must say that the best part of the tour was the bar they took us to at the end where a real life zitherist played the Anton Karas theme....I'm verklempt just thinking about it.

9:57 PM  

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