Friday, July 28, 2006
Update: I found out today that one other person passed the analysis exam. She may have even gotten a higher score than me. Dammit! I so enjoyed being the best for about a week or so.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Congratulations to the newly minted Dr. Matthew R. Longo, Ph.D! (He's the one on the right. On the left is Miss Emily Elizabeth, one of our precious first cousins once removed.) I passed my comps, and my brother successfully defended his dissertation. Aren't we a couple of winners?

Tuesday, July 18, 2006
I don't remember if I bragged here about how I passed the algebra comprehensive exam. I passed. I also found out last week that I passed the analysis exam as well. This is good news. This means that I don't have to study for shit this summer, and I also don't get kicked out of school. We didn't know if we'd pass analysis, because it was crazy hard. But I passed, which rules.
Here's what else rules: yesterday I ran into classmates W******* and C**** at school, and they told me that they did not pass the analysis exam, which shocked me because they are both v. smart, and good students. Also, they have some sort of nutty source who informed them that 1) everyone who took the algebra exam passed it (if you'll recall, I kicked it's ass). And 2) only one person passed analysis. Me. Hahaha. I rule. *curtsey*
Here's what else rules: yesterday I ran into classmates W******* and C**** at school, and they told me that they did not pass the analysis exam, which shocked me because they are both v. smart, and good students. Also, they have some sort of nutty source who informed them that 1) everyone who took the algebra exam passed it (if you'll recall, I kicked it's ass). And 2) only one person passed analysis. Me. Hahaha. I rule. *curtsey*
Monday, July 17, 2006
Orc Squad
Seen on the 5 freeway somewhere between Santa Ana and Anaheim. The OC Fire Department's Orc Squad. Awesome.
Friday Beth and I went to see Pirates of the Carribbean: DMC (totally awesome!), but it ran longer than I expected so when it was over I was late picking Cary up from work, and the people sitting between us and the aisle were taking their sweet time, so Beth took the initiative to jump into the empty row in front of us for quicker exit. I followed suit, but being taller and much more awkward than Beth, I didn't make such a clean escape, and I came away with this super awesome bruise below my knee. Sexy, huh?

Tuesday, July 11, 2006
The people who live below me have a basset hound, who we rarely hear from, but all afternoon he has been lying out on the porch howling like he's in Yorkshire on a foggy night. It literally sounds like an air raid siren. It would be really irritating if it wasn't so creepy and he wasn't such a cute mopey looking basset hound.
Friday, July 07, 2006
Emmy nominations:
Go Gob, President and Mrs. Logan, and Gillian! Whoo!
I guess I've been through enough of these award shows that is should just accept this bullshit by now, but I'd just like to point out that West Wing was nominated for best drama, and Lost, Veronica Mars, and Supernatural were not. Excuse me? Did anyone watch WW this season? Good god, did it ever suck. Oh well. I'll be cheering for President Assface.
Go Gob, President and Mrs. Logan, and Gillian! Whoo!
I guess I've been through enough of these award shows that is should just accept this bullshit by now, but I'd just like to point out that West Wing was nominated for best drama, and Lost, Veronica Mars, and Supernatural were not. Excuse me? Did anyone watch WW this season? Good god, did it ever suck. Oh well. I'll be cheering for President Assface.